Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wedding Night.

My first post. I have sat here in front of this computer for days weeks trying to figure out something to write to start this blog: about me, why i want to blog, anything.. well Monday I stumbled across this Pinterest (which I am insanely addicted to) pin about "Waiting till the Wedding Night - Getting Married the Right Way" Article Here 

And since I will be getting married soon everything wedding catches my eye. As I read this article I began to realize this isn't really what I expected.. only because you barely ever hear about a couple waiting until their wedding night, which is not a bad thing at all. But with a world full of "sex" everywhere you turn, it was 'nice' to read a story about a couple doing everything the right way. What I was expecting was tips or a story about the moments after the night of bliss was over, what I got was a shocking realization about the morning after your wedding, something I am sure many of us never think about, I know I haven't. Even though the article's main topic was abstinence -- I got something different out of the article. The author and his wife's story of the morning after their wedding was both sad and real for so many couples. I have been to many weddings where there is an open bar, and as a guest it was amazing! - but as I am beginning to plan, I am realizing it is also expensive. My fiance and I have discussed many options for our reception, since my fiance does not drink.. ever really (me on the other hand, have an obsession of wine) we are choosing the cheaper route ( beer, wine, and signature drinks thanks to Pinterest again). Why? because when you plan your wedding and you see the cost of everything it takes to have a beautiful wedding the last thing you want is to wake up the next morning and not remember a thing about the night before--
  • One: not only was it because it was YOU and your now HUSBAND's big day where you shared with your family and friends your vows to one another, and spent hundreds or thousands (depending on the wedding) on everything to make this day special and perfect for the everyone including yourselves.
  • Two: how sad is it to have to babysit your husband on your wedding night, a night that is supposed to mean so much to the both of you. 
  • Three: who wants to wake up with a hangover? and many people leave right for their honeymoon the morning after, I couldn't imagine being on a plane hungover, let alone getting from the hotel to the airport while cursing the sun for being up and making your headache ten times worse
I am sure many wives could care less about what their husband does after the exchanging of the vows as long as he showed up and got dressed. But many of us wait our whole lives for this day, we plan for months or years and pray everything goes well. The last thing I or we want to worry about is getting drunk or our husbands getting drunk and the aftermath of the night of drinking.  My heart reaches out to those who have had to go through it. I am extremely grateful for my fiance and his decision not to drink, not only on our wedding day but in general; I get the real him and he gets the real me. Not the emotional or angry alter-ego of our drunk selves. 

After this article I couldn't wait to tell Cory, I had so much emotion in telling him. I felt like the bride in the article. Cory completely agreed with me, it was sad, but it happens and it happens often. I can not wait to marry my best friend, my soul mate; I can't to see his face when he gets to see me for the first time in my dress (well my moms dress!), I get butterflies just thinking about our first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Overly. I couldn't imagine not remembering the little, special details about my wedding day because I wanted oh lets say an hour at most because I am a little weight of drinking fun. 

Sorry for the rant. but it just makes my heart sad. And I am sure there are plenty of soon to be brides and grooms who can relate.

xoxo, jess.